yesterday, mom kinda worry about me.. i've got an itchy eye...
i can't open my left eye big... no discharge, no red, no swollen... but am keep trying to rub it with my paw paw...
mom asked aroud for advices and came to Aunty Foo and Aunty Karen... Aunty Foo taught mom to get an EYEMO for me... just one drop for my eye..

After the drop of EYEMO, Aunty Foo adviced mom to put on a cold towel on my eye to relief my itchy... so mom tried too...
that was so nice.. and i enjoy it... i fell asleep just half a min after mom put the towel onto my itchy eye...

my eye is ok today and mom relief about it....
today is mom's barkday and I wished to accompany mom till she sleep... normally i would go to bed before she does.. but today i follow her up and down but am kinda tired when she is watching tv, so i decided to take a small small nap beside her :P